Gift A School Kit

Gift A School Kit is a blockchain project that provides underpriviledged school kids in Africa access to basic educational materials.

school kids
Non-Profit Partners
school kidsschool kids
314Total School Kits Donated
$2537.3Total Money Raised
314Total No Of School Kids

Help School Kids Achieve Their Dreams

There is a huge chance Crypto has had a huge influence on your life. And we're hoping you can help make it changed others too.

There are over 200 million out of school children globally and those still in school lack appropriate learning materials to truly achieve their goals.

Over the past couple of years, I've participated in efforts to donate proper school kits to needy school kids in sub-Saharan Africa especially in places where millions are living in extreme poverty but there's still so much to be done.

With Gift A School Kit, we can help make a difference. Help these kids fulfil their right to education. Help them achieve their dreams. Gift A School Kit Today.

  • $20 Essentials

An Essentials School Kit pack includes a school backpack, a set of notebooks and other essential educational materials for a school kid.

We've provided a couple of ways for donating. You have the option of paying with Ethereum, MATIC, Solana. We've also provided USDC addresses for other major blockchains

Gift a Kit($20) in $ETH Token
Gift a Kit($20) in $MATIC Token
Gift A Kit with school kids
You can also transfer USDC/USDT on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain to:0xFfA55b403bF021D92F3C166a1280cDfCcBc8D022